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Day 1: 10/21 (Mon)
Time Talk Title Speaker
08:30-09:00 Registration
Chairperson -- Cheng-Wei Chiang
09:00-09:10 Opening Ceremony Guang-Yu Guo (NCTS Director)
09:10-10:10 Generative AI and Fundamental Physics: Introduction and Selected Applications (I) David Shih
10:10-10:40 Exploring the Synergy of Kinematics and Dynamics for Collider Physics Myeonghun Park
10:40-11:00 Group Photo + Coffee Break
Chairperson -- Kai-Feng Chen
11:00-11:40 Quantum Entanglement in top quark pair events at the LHC Andreas Jung
11:40-12:10 Precision measurements of W-boson mass Tanmay Sarkar
12:10-14:00 Lunch
Chairperson -- Cheng-Pang Liu
14:00-14:30 Evolution of the TEXONO program: from reactor neutrinos to dark matter searches to gravitational wave sciences Henry Wong
14:30-15:00 Gravitational Probes of Ultralight Dark Matter Hyungjin Kim
15:00-15:30 Exploring Dark Photon via Subfrequency Laser Search in Gravitational Wave Detectors Chrisna Nugroho
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
Chairperson -- Martin Spinrath
16:00-16:30 Exciting Prospects at Large-Volume Neutrino Detectors Jong-Chul Park
16:30-17:00 Atomic Aspects of Neutrino Detection and Dark Matter Direct Searches Cheng-Pang Liu
17:00-17:30 Exploring light dark matter boosted by supernova neutrinos in the present and past Universe Yen-Hsun Lin
18:00-19:30 Reception
Day 2: 10/22 (Tue)
Time Talk Title Speaker
Chairperson -- Koichi Hamaguchi
09:00-10:00 Generative AI and Fundamental Physics: Introduction and Selected Applications (II) David Shih
10:00-10:30 CP violation in Hyperon system Xiao-Gang He
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
Chairperson -- Meng-Ru Wu
11:00-11:50 Detection Prospects for Light DM (I) Tongyan Lin
11:50-12:20 An Update on ADMX's axion dark matter search Gray Rybka
12:30-14:00 Lunch
Chairperson -- Chian-Shu Chen
14:00-14:30 Diquarks in lattice QCD Anthony Francis
14:30-15:00 Charmless Two-body Baryonic B Decays and Baryonic Semileptonic B Decays Chun-Khiang Chua
15:00-15:30 Dark Matter Heating of Neutron Stars: Advantages and Challenges Koichi Hamaguchi
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
Chairperson -- Chun-Khiang Chua
16:00-16:30 Vector Boson Scattering results at CMS Rong-Shyang Lu
16:30-17:00 b->sll/P'5 anomaly  Alessio Boletti
17:00-17:30 Anomalies Andreas Crivellin
17:30-18:00 Rare B and K decays in a scotogenic model Chuan-Hung Chen
Day 3: 10/23 (Wed)
Time Talk Title Speaker
Chairperson -- Hyungjin Kim
09:00-09:50 Detection Prospects for Light DM (II) Tongyan Lin
09:50-10:50 Introduction to Standard Model Effective Field Theory (I) Adam Martin
10:50-11:10 Coffee Break
Chairperson -- Chuan-Ren Chen
11:10-11:40 Triple Higgs Couplings at Current and Future Experiments Sven Heinemeyer
11:40-12:10 An extended Higgs model as the common origin of neutrino mass, dark matter and baryon asymmetry Kazuki Enomoto
12:20-13:00 Lunch
13:00-18:00 Free Discussion / Excursion
18:30-21:00 Banquet
Day 4: 10/24 (Thur)
Time Talk Title Speaker
Chairperson -- Yuhsin Tsai
09:00-10:00 Introduction to Standard Model Effective Field Theory (II) Adam Martin
10:00-10:30 New Structures in Renormalization Group from Fundamental Principles Chia-Hsien Shen
10:30-11:00 Extremal gap couplings Yu-tin Huang
11:00-11:20 Coffee Break
Chairperson -- Chia-Hsien Shen
11:20-11:50 Dark Matter Searches on Photonic Chip Christina Gao
11:50-12:20 Dark matter detection using superconducting qubits Takeo Moroi
12:20-14:00 Lunch
Chairperson -- Takeo Moroi
14:00-14:30 Decoding Dark Sector Dynamics with Precision Cosmology Yuhsin Tsai
14:30-15:00 Phenomenology of compact objects from a first order phase transition in the dark sector Jan Tristram Acuña
15:00-15:30 The cosmological collider in R^2 inflation Yi-Peng Wu
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
Chairperson -- Cheng-Wei Chiang
16:00-16:30 Deciphering Fuzzy Dark Matter: Recent Advances from NTU Hsi-Yu Schive
16:30-17:00 Constraining Dark Matter Self-Interactions from Weak Lensing Yiming Zhong
17:00-17:30 Effects of Superradiance in Active Galactic Nuclei Priyanka Sarmah