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Time Speaker Title
9:30~10:00 Registration
Chairman: Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen (NCKU)
10:00~10:30 Prof. Neill Lambert (Riken, Japan) Pseudomodes: from modelling quantum environments to simulated dissipative state engineering
10:30~11:00 Dr. Paul Menczel (Riken, Japan) Unravelings of time-local quantum master equations
11:00~11:10 Break
Chairman: Prof. Shin-Liang Chen (NCHU)
11:10~11:40 Prof. Joonwoo Bae (KAIST, Korea) Linking entanglement detection and state tomography via quantum 2-designs
11:40~12:10 Dr. Ashutosh Rai (KAIST, Korea) Nonlocal and Quantum advantages in network coding for multiple access channels
12:10~14:00 Lunch
Chairman: Prof. Huan-Yu Ku (NTNU)
14:00~14:30 Prof. Shin-Liang Chen (NCHU) Quantum nonlocality and its application on black-box quantum certification
14:30~15:00 Dr. Kieran Flatt (KAIST, Korea) Contextual advantages of maximum confidence measurements
15:00~15:30 Break & Group photo
Chairman: Prof. Hong-Bin Chen (NCKU)
15:30~16:00 Prof. Huan-Yu Ku (NTNU) Measurement incompatibility cannot be stochastically distilled and distillation of quantum steering
16:00~16:25 Dr. Po-Chen Kuo (NCKU) Kondo QED: The Kondo effect and photon trapping in a two-impurity Anderson model ultra-strongly coupled to light
16:25~16:50 Dr. Jhen-Dong Lin (NCKU) Open quantum systems with superposition of trajectories