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Day 1
Date: 22nd, Jan, 2024
                                                                                                                                                            Place: R307, 3F, Cosmology Hall, NTU
 Time  Speaker Title Chair
09:00~09:20 Registration Chia-Min Chung
09:20~09:30 Opening Remarks
09:30~10:45 Dr. Jheng-Wei Li Matrix product states for continuous functions.
10:45~11:15 Coffee break: Morning break
11:15~12:30 Prof. Tsuyoshi Okubo Quantum-classical entangled approach using tensor networks for investigating quantum spin liquid.
12:30~14:30 Take photo & Lunch
14:30~15:45 Prof. Kenji Harada Optimizing tensor network structure. Yi-Ping Huang
15:45~16:15 Coffee break: Afternoon break
16:15~17:30 Dr. Manuel Schneider Tensor Networks in High Energy Physics: calculating Parton Distribution Functions.
17:30~18:30 Discussion

Day 2
Date: 23 rd, Jan, 2024

 Time  Speaker Title Chair
09:00~09:20 Registration   Wei-Lin Tu
(Keio U.)
09:20~09:30 Opening Remarks  
09:30~10:45 Prof. Seung-Sup Lee Multipoint correlation functions: spectral representation, numerical evaluation, and improved estimators.
10:45~11:15 Coffee break: Morning break  
11:15~12:30 Prof. Ian McCulloch Exploring dynamical quantum criticality via moment expansions.
12:30~14:30 Take photo & Lunch  
14:30~15:45 Prof. Tsung-Han Lee Ghost Rotationally-Invariant Slave-Boson: An Efficient and Accurate Approach to Strongly Correlated Materials. Chia-Min Chung
15:45~16:15 Coffee break: Afternoon break  
16:15~17:30 Dr. Wei-Lin Tu Generating function for projected entangled-pair state.
17:30~18:30 Discussion