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Venue: R307, 3F, Cosmology Hall, NTU.
31st July | |
Time | Title/Speaker |
Registration | |
10:00-11:30 |
Title: Quantic tensor train for solving Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Prof. Chia-Min Chung Abstract: Quantic tensor train is a quantum-inspired method that can represent a function with exponentially fine discretization. In this work, we use this method to solve the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, which is an effective equation describing the ground state of bosons under mean-field approximation. We compare the computations for the ground state using standard imaginary-time evolution and gradient descent. |
Lunck and Coffee break | |
14:00-15:30 |
Title: Learning Feynman diagrams with tensor networks. Prof. Xavier Waintal (University Grenoble Alpes) Abstract:
Feynman diagrams form a formal solution to the many-body problem. They transform an exponentially large problem (e.g. finding the lowest eigenstate of an exponentially large matrix) into another exponentially difficult problem (calculating an exponential number of diagrams). In this seminar, I will discuss our journey to automatise these calculations in the context of quantum nanoelectronics.
I will show in particular our latest technique that uses tensor trains to calculate the diagrams. With this technique, we have been able to calculate all Feynman diagrams up to order 30 for an out-of-equilibrium single impurity Anderson model. I will show the physics that emerges from these data, in particular the formation of the Kondo cloud after a quench and the formation of the Kondo ridge in the the current voltage characteristics. |
Coffee break | |
15:30-17:00 |
Title: Cluster-projected matrix product state: exact solutions for frustration-free models. Prof. Chisa Hotta (UTokyo) Abstract:
We design a protocol that design concurrently a frustration-free quantum many-body Hamiltonian and its exact ground states in one and two dimensions using MPS.
It was shown previously that for any given translationally invariant injective MPS, there always exists a parent Hamiltonian which is gapped and frustration free. However, our way of dealing with the problem expands the applicability to wider classes of models, providing a systematic way of constructing a series of exact solutions in the MPS representation for any given frustration-free model at finite system size. We show the application to 1D frustrated spin chains, Toric codes, triangular and kagome lattices where we find an exact topologically nontrivial or gapless multicritical point solutions. |
1st August | |
Time | Title/Speaker |
Registration | |
10:00-11:30 |
Title: Environment expansion for matrix product states. Prof. Ian McCulloch Abstract: I will present a general framework for incorporating degrees of freedom into a tensor network (i.e. bond expansion), with applications for DMRG, TDVP, and other algorithms. Our approach makes use of reduced rank singular value decompositions, such that all operations required for the bond expansion have computational complexity that is at most quadratic in the bond dimension $D$ and linear in the local Hilbert space dimension $d$, so much cheaper than other components of DMRG that scale as $D^3$. The 'pre-expansion' approach interpolates between single-site and 2-site DMRG, giving convergence similar to 2-site DMRG but otherwise identical performance to single-site DMRG. 'Post-expansion' is a successor to the single-site subspace-expansion (3S) algorithm for models with long-range interactions, with better convergence properties and easier to control. These algorithms perform better than conventional DMRG in all cases, but are especially useful for models where the local Hilbert space dimension is large, such as bosonic degrees of freedom. |
Lunck and Coffee break | |
14:00-15:30 |
Title: Collective-mode excitations and nonlinear dynamics in an attractive Bose-Bose mixture Dr. I-Kang (Gary) Liu Abstract: Motivated by a recent experiment on dipole oscillations and their decay in a mutually attractive two-component mixture of Bose-Einstein condensate [Phys. Rev. Research 3 033096(2021)], we numerically simulate the dynamics of the system using the coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations (cGPEs), matching the experimental measurement. To further understand the multiple frequencies in the centre-of-mass (CoM) Fourier spectra, we investigate the collective-mode excitations of the system under the linearized perturbation approach, also known as the Bogoliubov-de-Genne (BdG) approach. This approach requires a set of precise eigenstates of the cGPEs and ensures the orthogonalities in the eigenstate and the solution of excitations. We consider a self-consistent imaginary-time propagation method to find the eigen-solution of the cGPEs and use the real-space presentation of the considered effective Hamiltonian, which is a sparse matrix, to obtain the proper basis to construct the BdG equation in the matrix form for the highly-anisotropic 3D system. The eigen-solutions of the BdG equation not only provide a perfect match with the numerical CoM spectra but also shed the internal complicated dynamics in the experiment. I will also briefly talk about my recent work on modelling the neutron superfluid dynamics in neutron star interiors. |