NCTS 2024 Postdoc Paper Award Ceremony & Workshop │ NCTS 2024 博士後論文獎頒獎典禮暨論文發表會
Time: 2024/10/9 (Wed.) 12:00-13:30
12:00-12:05 Opening Remarks by Director Guang-Yu Guo
12:05-12:10 Awarding & Group Photo
12:10-12:50 Dr. Beauchesne (Online; 30m Talk + 10m Q&A)
12:50-13:30 Dr. Lin (30m Talk + 10m Q&A)
*Note: Lunch will be provided from 11:50 onsite.
(In order of presentation)
Dr. Hugues BEAUCHESNE(國家理論科學研究中心 National Center for Theoretical Sciences)
"Is the Decay of the Higgs Boson to a Photon and a Dark Photon Currently Observable at the LHC?"
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.141801
Dr. Yen-Hsun LIN(中央研究院 Academia Sinica)
"Searching for Afterglow: Light Dark Matter Boosted by Supernova Neutrinos"
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.111002
Venue: NCTS Physics Lecture Hall, 4F, Cosmology Hall, NTU
Lunch will be provided to Registered Participants. Spread the word and save the date!