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確認實體出席之國際講者 International Speakers Who Have Confirmed Their Onsite Attendance:
The process of reimbursement will be informed exclusively by the NCTS.
國內人員補助說明 Reimbursement Info for Domestic Personnel:
1. 住宿費 Accommodation Fees
● 錄取者之任職/就學單位至高雄市大於60公里,則可申請補助12/9-10總共兩晚住宿費用。
Accepted participants with affiliations 60km farther than Kaohsiung City will be able to apply for reimbursement for a total of two nights of accommodation during 12/9-10.
● 補助上限 Maximum Reimbursement:
國內教師 Domestic Faculty Members: $2000 TWD / Night
錄取者(博後) Accepted Participants (Postdoc): $2000 TWD / Night
錄取者(學生/其他) Accepted Participants (Student/Other): $1500 TWD / Night
2. 交通費 Transportation Expenses
● 起站地點須為錄取者之任職/就學單位所在地,迄站為高雄市(國立中山大學)。
The starting point must be the location of the accepted participant's affiliation while the destination is Kaohsiung City (NSYSU).
● 大眾交通工具為準(捷運、客運、台鐵、高鐵);自行開車將比照客運票價補助
By public transit (Metro, Bus, Taiwan Railways, THSR); driving cases will be reimbursed for the same price as by bus
● 補助上限 Maximum Reimbursement:高鐵標準車廂票價來回票 THSR Standard Round-Trip Tickets
3. 補助申請流程 Reimbursement Application Process
● 申請者須先自行支付交通、住宿費用,待繳交收據與應附文件之後,再以匯款方式接受補助。
Applicants should pay for transportation and accommodations by themselves in advance, and will receive reimbursement by bank transfer after submitting receipts and required documents.
● 請於活動第3天(2022/12/11)繳交下列文件至簽到桌:
Please submit the following documents to the reception desk on the 3rd day (2022/12/11) of the Workshop:
A. 旅館發票 Hotel Receipt
發票須包含以下資訊 Receipts should include the following information:
抬頭 Entity Name:國立臺灣大學 NTU
統編 GUI Number:03734301
B. 大眾運輸票根 Ticket Stub of Public Transit
The outbound ticket stub is required, while the return ticket can be presented in an official electronic file.