View count: 2021


確認實體出席之國際講者 International Speakers Who Have Confirmed Their Onsite Attendance
The process of reimbursement will be informed exclusively by the NCTS.

國內人員補助說明 Reimbursement Info for Domestic Personnel
1. 住宿費 Accommodation Fees
● 錄取者之任職/就學單位至高雄市大於60公里,則可申請補助12/9-10總共兩晚住宿費用。
Accepted participants with affiliations 60km farther than Kaohsiung City will be able to apply for reimbursement for a total of two nights of accommodation during 12/9-10.

補助上限 Maximum Reimbursement:
國內教師 Domestic Faculty Members: $2000 TWD / Night
錄取者(博後) Accepted Participants (Postdoc): $2000 TWD / Night
錄取者(學生/其他) Accepted Participants (Student/Other): $1500 TWD / Night

2. 交通費 Transportation Expenses
● 起站地點須為錄取者之任職/就學單位所在地,迄站為高雄市(國立中山大學)。
The starting point must be the location of the accepted participant's affiliation while the destination is Kaohsiung City (NSYSU).
● 大眾交通工具為準(捷運、客運、台鐵、高鐵);自行開車將比照客運票價補助
By public transit (Metro, Bus, Taiwan Railways, ‎THSR); driving cases will be reimbursed for the same price as by bus
● 補助上限 Maximum Reimbursement:高鐵標準車廂票價來回票 THSR Standard Round-Trip Tickets

3. 補助申請流程 Reimbursement Application Process
● 申請者須先自行支付交通、住宿費用,待繳交收據與應附文件之後,再以匯款方式接受補助。
Applicants should pay for transportation and accommodations by themselves in advance, and will receive reimbursement by bank transfer after submitting receipts and required documents.

Please submit the following documents to the reception desk on the 3rd day (2022/12/11) of the Workshop:

A. 旅館發票 Hotel Receipt
發票須包含以下資訊 Receipts should include the following information:
抬頭 Entity Name:國立臺灣大學 NTU
統編 GUI Number:03734301

B. 大眾運輸票根 Ticket Stub of Public Transit
The outbound ticket stub is required, while the return ticket can be presented in an official electronic file.