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Invited international speakers who have confirmed their onsite attendance: NCTS will book accomodation on their behalf according to their flight itineraries, and the accommodation expenses will be covered by NCTS.

Domestic faculty members and other accepted participants (postdoc/student/other) may choose: to book the hotel on their own, or to register for the "Pre-Order Hotel" reserved by the NCTS on their behalf.
Reimbursement eligibility for domestic personnel: Accepted participants with affiliations 60km farther than Kaohsiung City will be able to apply for reimbursement for a total of two nights of accommodation during 12/9-10.
For further information on reimbursement procedures, please go to the "Reimbursement" page.

PLEASE NOTE: Once registering for the "Pre-Order Hotel via NCTS" quota, the NCTS will pay a deposit in advance according to the hotel regulations, and therefore, if you are unable to attend afterward due to personal reasons, you will still need to pay the reservation fees stipulated by the hotel and cannot apply for this reimbursement.

國際講者 International Speakers
代訂旅館 Pre-Order Hotel via NCTS:帝后大飯店 Q21 Hotel
官網房型參考 Official Site:
此旅館至中山大學物理館 From this hotel to NSYSU Physics:

國內教師 Domestic Faculty Members
1. 代訂旅館 Pre-Order Hotel via NCTS
代訂旅館與房型 Hotel & Room Types:帝后大飯店─標準雙人/床房 Q21 Hotel - Standard Double/Twin Room
官網房型參考 Official Site:
此旅館至中山大學物理館 From this hotel to NSYSU Physics:

2. 自行訂房 Self-Booking
Maximum reimbursement for domestic faculty members to book their own accommodations: $2000 TWD per night, a total of 2 nights during 12/9-10

錄取者(博後/學生/其他) Accepted Participants (Postdoc/Student/Other)
1.1 代訂旅館 Pre-Order Hotel via NCTS:學生 Student/其他 Other
代訂旅館與房型 Hotel & Room Type:小承輕旅─背包房 Light Hostel Kaohsiung - Dormitory Room
官網房型參考 Official Site:
此旅館至中山大學物理館 From this hotel to NSYSU Physics:

1.2 代訂旅館 Pre-Order Hotel via NCTS:博後 Postdoc
代訂旅館與房型 Hotel & Room Types:帝后大飯店─標準雙床房 Q21 Hotel - Standard Twin Room
官網房型參考 Official Site:
此旅館至中山大學物理館 From this hotel to NSYSU Physics:

2. 自行訂房 Self-Booking
Maximum reimbursement for postdocs to book their own accommodations: $2000 TWD per night, a total of 2 nights during 12/9-10
Maximum reimbursement for students and others to book their own accommodations: $1500 TWD per night, a total of 2 nights during 12/9-10