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Summer Institute 2023
2023/8/21 — 8/25
  8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25  
9:00 - 10:15    Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3 Invited talks  
10:15-10:45    Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break  
10:45-12:00   Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3 Submitted talks   
    Lunch Lunch Lunch Depart at 12:30  
14:00-14:30   Invited talk Invited talks Invited talk    
14:30-15:00 Travel to the site Invited talk Invited talks Invited talk    
15:00-15:30    Invited talk   Invited talk    
    Coffee Break Free time Coffee Break    
16:00-18:00   Submitted talks   Submitted talks    
  Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner    
    @ Poster & Beer @    
Lecture 3 by Kai may have to switch to afternoon, as he is giving talks from Europe.
@ If more time slots are needed, we can have some talks after dinner, or late dinner at 7 pm.
Aug. 21 (Monday)
Time Event Subject Title Convener
15:30-19:00 Arrival      
19:00-20:30 Reception      
Aug. 22 (Tuesday)
Time Speaker Subject Title Convener
09:00-10:15 Ciaran O’Hare     Kingman Cheung
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:00 Lam Hui     Kin-Wang Ng
12:00-12:30 Natsumi Nagata    
12:30-12:50 Seong Chan Park   Why electron cannot be massless? : Festina-Lente bound 
12:50-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:15 Kai Schmitz (online)     Abdesslam Arhrib
15:15-15:45 Kyohei Mukaida (online)   Hot spots around small primordial black holes
15:45-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15-16:35 Hiroyuki Ishida   Dynamical realization of the small field inflation in the post supercooled universe Po-Yen Tseng
16:35-16:50 Seishi Enomoto   QCD preheating and baryogenesis scenario
16:50-17:05 Shu-Yu Ho   Light thermal self-interacting dark matter in the shadow of non-standard cosmology
17:05-17:20 Takumi Kuwahara   Dark Hadrons at LHC Lifetime Frontier
17:20-17:30 Nguyen Tran Quang Thong   Phenomenology of Dark Matter in Compact Objects
17:30-17:40 THANAPORN SICHANUGRIST   Dark matter detection using nuclear magnetization in magnet with hyperfine interaction
17:40-17:50 Risshin Okabe   Axion detection via superfluid 3He ferromagnetic phase and quantum measurement techniques
17:50-18:00 Seongsik Kim   Positivity Bounds on Higgs-Portal Dark Matter
18:00-19:00 Dinner
19:00-21:00 Free discussion Martin Spinrath
Aug. 23 (Wednesday)
Time Speaker Subject Title Convener
09:00-10:15 Lam Hui     Hyun-Min Lee
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:00 Ciaran O’Hare     Hiroyuki Ishida
12:00-12:30 Sang Hui Im   Exploring BSM CP violation and the PQ quality with EDMs
12:30-12:50 Kin-Wang Ng   Primordial perturbations from ultra-slow-roll single-field inflation with quantum loop effects
12:50-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:15 Kai Schmitz (online)     Po-Yen Tseng
15:15-18:00 Free time
18:00-19:00 Banquet
19:00-21:00 Jun Ho Song   Non thermal leptogenesis in the simplest α-attractor T model  
Tae-Geun Kim Exploration of Primordial Black Holes and Axion-Like Particles through a novel decay model on cosmological scale
Coh Miyao Scalar dark matter with a μτ flavored mediator
Yeji Park Primordial Black Holes Contributions to the Galactic Center 511keV Gamma-ray Line
MyeongJung Seong Axion production by kinetic misalignment mechanism
Kayoung Ban DeeLeMa: Missing information search with Deep Learning for Mass estimation
Shonosuke Takeshita W Boson Mass and Grand Unification via the Type-II Seesaw-like Mechanism
Alejandro Quiroga Trivino Bremsstrahlung from Neutrino Scattering via Magnetic Dipole Moments
Sungbo Sim Gauge coupling unification and proton decay in high-scale SUSY
Aug. 24 (Tursday)
Time Speaker Subject Title Convener
9:30-10:00 Abdesslam Arhrib   Phenomenology of Vector-Like Quarks with the 2-Higgs Doublet Model Hsiang-Nan Li
10:00-10:30 Chang Sub Shin   Effective Theory Approach for Axion Wormholes 
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:30 Hyun Min Lee   Higgs boson, inflation and dark matter Seong Chan Park
11:30-12:00 Raymond Co    
12:00-12:30 Jeong Han Kim   Small Scale Structure of Multi-Component Dark Matter 
12:30-12:50 Chia-Min Lin   Quantum cosmology and uniform rate inflation
12:50-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:20 Hsiang-nan Li   Dispersive determination of neutrino mass orderings Meng-Ru Wu
14:20-14:40 Taichiro Kugo   Lee-Wick's Complex Ghosts appear and violate Unitarity in Quadratic Gravity
14:40-14:55 Reginald Christian Bernardo    Testing gravity in the nanohertz gravitational wave regime
14:55-15:10 Sho Iwamoto   New physics searches at ILC beam-dump
15:10-15:40 Coffee Break
15:40-15:55 Chi-Fong Wong   Type-1 X Type-2 Seesaw and Dark Matter from anomaly-free U(1) hidden sector Jan Tristram Acuña
15:55-16:10 Takuya Hirose   Relation between higher-dimensional gauge theories and gravitational waves from first-order phase transitions
16:10-16:25 Chun Sing Jason Leung   SN1987A constraints to BSM with extra neutral bosons near the trapping regime: $U(1)_{L_\mu-L_\tau}$ model as an illustrative example
16:25-16:40 Kento Asai   New Constraint on Dark Photon at T2K Off-Axis Near Detector
16:40-16:55 Soumya Bhattacharyya   Fast flavor conversion of Supernova neutrinos: Beginning to End
16:55-17:05 Sang Chul Hyun   Nonminimally assisted inflation: a general analysis Priyanka Sarmah
17:05-17:15 Minh Ngoc Le   Globular cluster formation in cosmological context
17:15-17:25 Janus Capellan Aban   Explaining $R_{D}$ and $R_{D^{*}}$ Anomalies with Kaluza-Klein Neutrinos
17:25-17:35 Shuhei Ohzawa   Trilinear Higgs Coupling  for Selecting Extended Higgs Models at Future Accelerator Experiments
17:35-17:45 Yukihiro Kanda   Generalized Z string and its stability
18:00-19:00 Dinner
19:00-21:00 Free discussion Martin Spinrath
Aug. 25 (Friday)
Time Speaker Subject Title Convener
09:00-9:30 Meng-Ru Wu   Annihilation of neutrinos in stellar explosions Chia-Min Lin
9:30-10:00 Ryosuke Sato   Axion fragmentation and its application
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:15 Yen-Hsun Lin   Detection of afterglows from supernova-neutrino boosted dark matter in large underground detectors Chun Sing Jason Leung
11:15-11:30 Jan Tristram Acuña   Probing primordial black holes from a first order phase transition through pulsar timing and gravitational wave signals
11:30-11:45 Priyanka Sarmah   Origin of a  strong broadband 21 cm cosmological signal from dark matter spin-flip interactions
12:30-next year Depart
  Invited talks
  Submitted talks: 20 min
  Submitted talks: 15 min
  Submitted talks: 10 min