Category | Condensed Matter and Materials Physics |
Event Duration | 2022-08-01 - No deadline |
Conference Name | 2022 NCTS summer school on frontier topics in strongly correlated electron systems |
Content |
The meeting link is below,
In this summer school, we provide tutorial talks on frontier topics in strongly correlated electronic systems including: quantum phase transitions and quantum criticality, non-Fermi liquid, un-conventional superconductivity, bosonization approach, Keldysh formalism for non-equilibrium quantum systems, and quantum spin liquid. There will also be seminar talks on research topics along these lines. The invited speakers are all experts in correlated electronic systems. We welcome and encourage students and postdocs as well as young theorists to attend this summer school. We hope these systematic pedagogical lectures will offer a solid training for students and postdocs in strongly correlated electronic systems. (We will be open 10 minutes before each session of talk for you to join.) Speakers: Alex Kamenev (University of Minnesota, USA) Ashutosh Singh (Texas A&M University, USA) Iksu Jang (NTHU, Taiwan) Jeffery G Rau (University of Windsor, Canada) Jörg Schmalian (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) Juhn-Jong Lin (NYCU, Taiwan) Stefan Kirchner (NYCU, Taiwan) Tsung-Cheng Lu (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada) Yi-Hsien Du (University of Chicago, USA) 對象:全國各大專院校相關系所同學及相關研究人員。主辦單位審核後將公告錄取名單。 報名方式:完成線上報名表 報名截止日期:有住宿需求者,請於7/15(含)前完成,無住宿需求者,請於7/22(含)前完成。 保證金: 有住宿需求之學生及博士後,均需預繳保證金1,000元(教授/老師除外),除曠課及住宿罰金外,報名審核未通過者及全勤學員待課程結束後將全額退還保證金。 匯入銀行:兆豐國際商業銀行(新竹分行) 銀行代碼:017 匯入帳號:203-10-53498-5 匯入戶名:仲崇厚 *因應疫情狀況做彈性調整。 Organizers: Chung-Hou Chung (NYCU) Chang-Tse Hsieh (NTU) Chien-Te Wu (NYCU) Daw-Wei Wang (NTHU) Hsiang-Hua Jen (Institute of Atomic and Molecular Science, Academic Sinica ) Yi-Ping Huang (NTHU) Po-Yao Chang (NTHU) Shin-Ming Huang (NSYU) Jhih-Shih You (NTNU) Contact Information: Jenny Tsai/ 03-571-2121#56228 / |
Sign Up Duration | 2022-07-05 - 2022-07-25 |
Sign Up | Sign Up Overdue |
Location | Room 106, Science building #3, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (陽明交大科學三館)/ Online (Hybrid) |