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Invited Speakers

Invited Speakers:
Natan Andrei, Rutgers Univ., USA 
Miguel Cazalilla, Centro de Fisica de Materiales, San Sebastian Spain 
Anibal Iucci, Instituto de Fısica de La Plata (IFLP), Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
Hosho Katsura, Gakushuin Univ., Tokyo, Japan 
Frank Pollmann, Max-Planck-Ins. for physics of complex systems, Germany
Lea Santos, Physics at Stern College for Women, Yeshiva Univ., USA
Diptiman Sen, Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, India 
Viktor Eisler, Univ. of Vienna, Austria 
Jean-Marie Stephan, Univ. of Virginia, USA 
Feng-Li Lin, National Taiwan Normal Univ.
Ying-Jer Kao, National Taiwan Univ. 
Yu-Cheng Lin, Graduate Ins. of Applied Physics, National Chengchi Univ.
Pochung Chen, Dep. of Physics, National Tsing Hua Univ.