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[物理組 Physics Division]
1. 鄭原忠教授 Prof. Yuan-Chung Cheng (NTU)
Two 1-hour lectures on "Quantum gates and circuit models for quantum computing"

2. 陳信良教授 Prof. Shin-Liang Chen (NCHU)
Three 1-hour lectures on "Quantum entanglement hierarchy among quantum entanglement, steerability and nonlocality"

3. 張晏瑞博士生研究助理 Research Assistant Yen-Jui Chang (臺灣大學-IBM量子電腦中心 IBM Q Hub at NTU)
NOTE: All participants are required to bring their own laptop computers.
Two 1.5-hour lectures: Navigating the IBM Quantum systems and implementing the Grover's searching algorithm

Lecture 1: Classical to Quantum: Learn and construct simple quantum circuits with Qiskit
Lecture 2: Introduce Grover's algorithm and implement the quantum algorithm using Qiskit and run it on a simulator and device

[數學組 Math Division]

1. 黃皓瑋教授 Prof. Hao-Wei Huang (NTHU)
Two 1-hour lectures on "The application of random matrices to quantum entanglement detection and the additive violation problem of quantum channels"

2. 林敏雄教授 Prof. Matthew M. Lin (NCKU)
Two 1-hour lectures on "Optimization Methods for Entanglement Certification"

3. 謝銘倫教授 Prof. Ming-Lun Hsieh (NTU)
Four 1-hour in depth lectures on "The mathematical aspects of Shor's factoring algorithm"


  2022/8/22 (Mon.)   2022/8/23 (Tue.)   2022/8/24 (Wed.)
09:30-10:00 簽到 Sign In 08:45-09:00 簽到 Sign In 08:45-09:00 簽到 Sign In
10:00-11:00 鄭原忠教授 Prof. Yuan-Chung Cheng Lec. 1 09:00-10:00 謝銘倫教授 Prof. Ming-Lun Hsieh Lec. 2 09:00-10:00 陳信良教授 Prof. Shin-Liang Chen Lec. 3
11:00-11:05 Q&A 10:00-10:05 Q&A 10:00-10:05 Q&A
11:05-11:25 Morning Coffee Break 10:05-10:25 Morning Coffee Break 10:05-10:25 Morning Coffee Break
11:25-12:25 鄭原忠教授 Prof. Yuan-Chung Cheng Lec. 2 10:25-11:25 黃皓瑋教授 Prof. Hao-Wei Huang  Lec. 1 10:25-11:25 謝銘倫教授 Prof. Ming-Lun Hsieh Lec. 3
12:25-12:30 Q&A 11:25-11:30 Q&A 11:25-11:30 Q&A
12:30-13:40 Lunch Break 11:30-12:30 林敏雄教授 Prof. Matthew M. Lin  Lec. 1 11:30-12:30 謝銘倫教授 Prof. Ming-Lun Hsieh Lec. 4
13:40-14:40 陳信良教授 Prof. Shin-Liang Chen Lec. 1 12:30-12:35 Q&A 12:30-12:35 Q&A
14:40-14:45 Q&A 12:35-13:40 Lunch Break 12:35-13:40 Lunch Break
14:45-15:45 陳信良教授 Prof. Shin-Liang Chen Lec. 2 13:40-15:10 張晏瑞研究助理 NTU-IBM Q Hub Lec. 1 13:40-14:40 林敏雄教授 Prof. Matthew M. Lin  Lec. 2
15:45-15:50 Q&A 15:10-15:15 Q&A 14:40-14:45 Q&A
15:50-16:10 Afternoon Coffee Break 15:15-15:35 Afternoon Coffee Break 14:45-15:45 黃皓瑋教授 Prof. Hao-Wei Huang  Lec. 2
16:10-17:10 謝銘倫教授 Prof. Ming-Lun Hsieh Lec. 1 15:35-17:05 張晏瑞研究助理 NTU-IBM Q Hub Lec. 2 15:45-15:50 Q&A
17:10-17:15 Q&A 17:05-17:10 Q&A 15:50-16:10 Afternoon Coffee Break

謝銘倫教授 Prof. Ming-Lun Hsieh (NTU)
管希聖教授 Prof. Hsi-Sheng Goan (NTU)
陳俊瑋教授 Prof. Jiunn-Wei Chen (NTU)

臺灣大學-IBM量子電腦中心 IBM Q Hub at NTU
臺灣大學量子科學與工程研究中心 Center for Quantum Science and Engineering (CQSE), NTU