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6/9 Friday
Time Speaker Title
13:25 Opening
13:30-13:50 Dhananjay C. Joshi (AS) Curvilinear-path umbrella sampling approach to characterizing bio-molecular interactions
13:50-14:10 Christopher Llynard Ortiz
-1 PRF-Promoting PK induced a Rolled and Hyper-rotated 70S Ribosome
14:10-14:30 張容誌 (NCU) Scale-free Network Resulted from Cost Optimization in Network Models
14:30-15:00 break
15:00-15:20 Chi-Wei Wang (NYCU) Layer structure and intermolecular vibrations of water confined within graphite nanoslits
15:20-15:40 蔡秉叡 (NTHU) An anti-gravity trap generated by the interaction between a pair of strong electric fields and an electric dipole
15:40-16:00 鄭承燁 (NYCU) The efficiency of engines operating under finite times at their maximum powers
16:00-16:30 discussion session

6/10 Saturday
Time Speaker Title
09:30-09:50 Ahmed Mohamed Ragab (NTHU) Accurate and efficient chemical similarity search tool and contact-distribution- matching method jointly identify FDA-approved drugs that modulate SARS- CoV2 -1PRF and suppress its replication
09:50-10:10 Thanh Tran
The dynamic mechanisms of substrate translocation and inhibition of Human equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 (hENT1) at atomic level with a novel computational scheme
10:10-10:30 Pin-Chun Liao (NCU) Statistical model for epithelial cell derived clonal population distribution
10:30-11:30 Break
11:30-11:50 陳中皓(NTHU) Formation and mechanics of fire ant rafts as an active self-healing membrane
11:50-12:10 Jen-Yu Lo (NCU) Mechanosensitive bonds induced complex cell motility patterns
12:10-13:30 lunch break
13:30-13:50 馮信堯(NCCU) A Study of Scaling Behavior in Binary finite Step Markov Chains caused by Memory
13:50-14:10 柯宜室 (NCU) A new method to detect the direction of Information Flow between two-time series using a compression algorithm
14:10-14:30 Alexander J. White (NTHU) Desynchronizing the Olivo-Cerebellar Loop: Bifurcation analysis of a Computational model of Climbing Fiber Overgrowth Induced Essential Tremor
14:30-14:50 Chi-Ho Chou (AS) Thermal energy transfer among translational and rotational degree of freedom in granular gas
14:50-15:10 黃品毓(NTHU) Territory Distribution of Granules with Different Softness
15:10- Break
-16:30 discussion session

*lunch boxes will be offered.