View count: 736


Time Speaker Title
08:45-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:05 Opening
09:05-09:45 Anatoli Fedynitch The (bumpy) road towards Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray astronomy
09:45-10:10 Kozo Fujisue Overview of the Telescope Array experiment
10:10-10:25 Heng-Hao Chen Nonlinear calculation of the slow collective neutrino oscillations
10:25-10:50 Coffee Break
10:50-11:15 Jasper Nepveu Renormalizing Higgs decays in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory
11:15-11:40 Yair Mulian On the exact solution for the Schrödinger equation
11:40-12:05 Leon Manuel Garcia NA64 and the Lmu-Ltau solution to the IceCube UHE neutrino deficit
12:05-14:10 Lunch/TG meeting
14:10-14:50 David Lin Connecting lattice computations with phenomenology: selected topics in nuclear and particle physics
14:50-15:15 Manuel Schneider Parton distribution functions from tensor network methods
15:15-15:30 Alex Chang Parton Physics from a Heavy-quark Operator Product Expansion: Lattice QCD Calculation of the First and Second Moment of the Kaon Distribution Amplitude
15:30-15:55 Coffee Break
15:55-16:20 Kazuki Enomoto An extended Higgs model as the common origin of neutrino mass, dark matter and baryon asymmetry
16:20-16:35 Yu-Min Yeh Phenomenology of bubble size distributions in a first-order phase transition
16:35-16:50 Che-Hao Liu New Contributions to b sγ in Minimal G2HDM
Free discussion & Closing