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Financial Support

Limited financial support is available. Deadline for financial support application: August. 1th, 2024.
(Only for 30 students, Students who come from southern univerisity of Taiwan first.)

• Accommodation expenses
1. Students attending 2024 Summer school on First Principles Computational Materials Research- Advance Level  (Aug. 12th-Aug. 16th, 2024) could apply for financial support by NCTS for the accommodation expenses, with an upper limit of NTD 1200 per person per night.
2. Moreover, you can reserve the Hotel and pay by yourselves. 
3. Only for those whose affiliations are 60 KM farther than Hsinchu city could receive it. 

• Transportation fees
1. Affiliation in Hsinchu city is excluded. 
2. Bus/Taiwan Railways train tickets are allowed to be reimbursed.

• The documents required for financial support
(1) bus/Taiwan Railways train ticket (火車/公車票根)
(2) hotel receipt (住宿收據或發票)
(3) Bank Book Cover (銀行存摺封面影本)
(4) Front and back of ID card (身分證正反面影本)

The hotel receipt provided should state the title of 國立中山大學; tax ID number: 76211194. Please confirm the documents required, otherwise your accommodation cost will not be able to be financially supported by NCTS.

The NCTS reserves the right to make changes at any time.