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12/17 Program

Day 3 Sunday 12/17
Time Speaker Title
9:00-9:30 Registration
Chair:Yu-Tin Huang
9:30-10:20 Shu-Heng Shao (StonyBrook University) What's Done Cannot Be Undone: Non-Invertible Symmetries
10:20-10:50 Coffee Break
ChairMeng-Ru Wu
10:50-11:30 Xiao-Gang He (NTU) Majorana Phase in Neutrino Chiral Oscillation
11:30-12:00 Sho Iwamoto (NSYSU) Beam-dump experiments and new-physics searches
12:00-14:00 Lunch Break
ChairHsi-Yu Schive
14:00-14:40 Chung-Ming Ko (NCU) On the Origin and Source of  the Fermi Bubbles
On the Origin and Source of 
the Fermi Bubbles
14:40-15:00 Ishika Palit (NTHU) Relativistic Shocks in Expanding Media: Simulations and Applications to Compact Objects.
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
ChairHe-Feng Hsieh
15:30-15:50 Majidul Rahaman (NTHU) Exploring the Origin of Spiral-Like Features in Galaxy Clusters
15:50-16:10 Sut Leng Tam (ASIAA) Testing the Collisionless Nature of Dark Matter with the Radial Acceleration Relation in Galaxy Clusters
16:10-16:30 Maxime Lombart (NTNU) High-order discontinuous Galerkin scheme for the coagulation/fragmentation equation.
16:30-16:50 Li-Ching Huang (NTNU) Chromospheric and Flare Activity of Late Type Stars
16:50-17:00 See you in the near future