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Prof. Chung-Hsien Chou - Dept. of Physics, NCKU
Prof. Hong-Bin Chen - Dept. of Engineering Science, NCKU
Prof. Yung-Fu Chen - Dept. of Physics, NCU
Prof. Shin-Liang Chen - Dept. of Physics, NCHU
Prof. Yi-Hsin Chen - Dept. of Physics, NSYSU
Prof. Ying-Cheng Chen - Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica
Prof. Yuan-Chung Cheng - Dept. of Chemistry, NTU
Prof. Chih-Sung Chuu - Dept. of Physics, NTHU
Prof .Hsi-Sheng Goan - Dept. of Physics, NTU
Prof. Min-Hsiu Hsieh - Hon-Hai Research Institute
Prof. Hsiang-Hua Jen - Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica
Prof. Chia-Yi Ju - Dept. of Physics, NSYSU
Prof. Che-Ming Li - Dept. of Engineering Science, NCKU
Prof. Yeong-Cherng Liang - Dept. of Physics, NCKU
Prof. Yen-Hsiang Lin - Dept. of Physics, NTHU

Prof. Ching-Yi Lai - Institute of Communications Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Prof. Ray-Kuang Lee - Department of Electrical Engineer, NTHU
Prof. Chiao-Hsuan Wang - Department of Physics, NTU
Prof. Jun-Yi Wu - Dept. of Physics, Tamkang Univ.
Prof. Ite A. Yu - Dept. of Physics, NTHU
Prof. Wei-Min Zhang - Dept. of Physics, NCKU