
Category Quantum computing and interdisciplinary applications
Event Duration 2020-08-31 - 2020-09-03
Conference Name 2020 AMO Physics Summer School
Content Introduction:
The 2020 annual Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) Physics Summer School will be held at Hui-Sun Forest (惠蓀林場) from 8/31 (Monday) to 9/3 (Thursday). Experts in AMO Physics are going to give lectures and tutorials on the topics from quantum technology, superconducting qubits, cold-atom physics, quantum optics, comb lasers, precision spectroscopy, and artificial intelligence (AI). This is a great opportunity for undergraduate/graduate students and junior scholars to learn about the cutting-edge research and the latest development in the AMO physics, as well as for all participants to share and exchange their research experiences.

Student Session:
(1)The Student session will be held in the afternoon of Sep. 1st (Tue.).
(2)Please submit the title/abstract of your talk, i.e., 15-minute presentation in the registration form.
(3)The approved one will be informed by email by Aug. 7th (Fri).

Jin-Long Peng 彭錦龍 (ITRI)
Ying-Cheng Chen 陳應誠 (Academia Sinica)
Hsiang-Hua Jen 任祥華 (IAMS, Academia Sinica)
Yi-Hsin Chen 陳易馨 (NSYSU)
Watson Kuo 郭華丞 (NCHU)
Chia-Yi Ju 朱家誼 (NCHU)
Hung-Wen Chen 陳鴻文 (NTHU)
Yen-Hsiang Lin 林晏詳 (NTHU)
Daw-Wei Wang 王道維 (NTHU)
Ray-Kuang Lee 李瑞光 (NTHU)
Yong-Fan Chen 陳泳帆 (NCKU)
Jhih-Shih You 游至仕 (NTNU)

Watson Kuo 郭華丞 (NCHU)
Wen-Minh Huang 黃文敏 (NCHU)
Chien-Chung Jeng 鄭建宗 (NCHU)
Yuen-Wuu Suen 孫允武 (NCHU)
Ray-Kuang Lee 李瑞光 (NTHU)

Physics Division, National Center for Theoretical Sciences
National Chung Hsing University (國立中興大學)

參加者除受邀講員以外,均需繳交報名費(每人新台幣500元-適用於教授/老師、博士後研究員、學生、現職於業界者),請於7/31 (五) 前匯款,不接受現場報名與繳費 。



楊小姐 ( / Tel : (03)5715131 ext. 33299
Tina Ke( / Tel : (03)5715131 ext. 42330
Location 惠蓀林場(研習中心-4樓會議室)
File Poster_2020_AMO_Physics_Summer_School.jpg