View count: 186


10/26 Thu.
Time Speaker Title
10:30-11:00 ----- Registration -----
11:00-12:00 Chong-Sun Chu Exact relations in BCFT and holography
12:00-13:00 ----- Lunch -----
13:00-14:00 Vladimir Rosenhaus All point correlation functions in SYK I
14:00-14:30 ----- Break ----- 
14:30-15:30 Yi Wang The Physics of a Cosmological Collider I
15:30-16:00 ----- Break ----- 
16:00-17:00 Ruben Minasian Supersymmetry and geometry of stringy corrections
17:00-17:30 Takaki Matsumoto Information metric for matrix geometry

10/27 Fri.
Time Speaker Title
10:10-10:50 Kin-Wang Ng Heavy fields in de Sitter space
11:00-12:00 Song He Scattering Amplitudes, Geometries and the Worldsheet I
12:00-13:00 ----- Lunch -----
13:00-14:00 Costis Papageorgakis Deconstructing the BPS Sector of (2,0) Theories I
14:00-14:30 ----- Break ----- 
14:30-15:30 Vladimir Rosenhaus All point correlation functions in SYK II
15:30-16:00 ----- Break ----- 
16:00-16:30 Dimitri Giataganas Analytic Non-Integrability and Chaos in Gauge/Gravity duality
16:40-17:10 Yoshinori Matsuo Static black holes with back reaction from vacuum energy
17:20-17:50 Sichun Sun New Views on Dark Matter from Emergent Gravity
18:10-20:00 Banquet

10/28 Sat.
Time Speaker Title
9:50-10:50 Yi Wang The Physics of a Cosmological Collider II
11:00-12:00 Song He Scattering Amplitudes, Geometries and the Worldsheet II
12:00-13:00 ----- Lunch -----
13:00-14:00 Yang-Hui He Deep-Learning the Landscape I
14:00-14:30 ----- Break ----- 
14:30-15:30 Costis Papageorgakis Deconstructing the BPS Sector of (2,0) Theories II
15:30-16:00 ----- Break ----- 
16:00-17:00 Ning Bao Holographic Entanglement Inequalites I
17:20-18:20 Aleksey Cherman QCD on a small circle I

10/29 Sun.
Time Speaker Title
9:40-10:10 Shoichi Kawamoto Charged rotating BTZ black holes in noncommutative space and torsion gravity
10:10-10:50 Toshiaki Fujimori All-order resurgent trans-series in deformed supersymmetric quantum mechanics
11:00-12:00 Aleksey Cherman QCD on a small circle II
12:00-13:00 ----- Lunch -----
13:00-13:30 Tomoki Nosaka Phases in mass deformed ABJM theory from Monte Carlo Simulation
13:50-14:50 Ning Bao Holographic Entanglement Inequalites II
14:50-15:20 ----- Break ----- 
15:20-16:20 Yang-Hui He Deep-Learning the Landscape II
16:20-17:00 Free discussion