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Financial Support
Here are the notes in English and Chinese, for applying for financial support. Thank you.這裡是申請補助的注意事項,中英文版如下,謝謝您。
Application process and note:
1. For the postdoctoral fellows and students who live in Taiwan and would like to apply for financial support by NCTS for your transportation and accommodation expenses, please fill out the application form and email to Ms. Fu ( by July 31, 2024. Please note late applications will not be accepted.
Application form: Download the form here
(2) The applications submitted before the deadline will be considered and examined. The approved participants will receive an email notice before AUGUST 07, 2024.
(3) To Postdoctoral Fellows and Students :
(3-1) Full attendance at the activity is required for receiving the financial support.
(3-2) To students, please be sure to ask your advisor to sign on the application form.
(4) Principles of financial support:
The participants whose affiliated organizations are not in Tainan City are qualified to apply for the tranport expenses. Please give us the transport tickets for reimbursement.
The participants whose affiliated organizations are not in either Kaohsiung or Tainan are qualified to apply for the accommodation expenses. Please give us the hotel invoice for reimbursement.
For students: The transport support is subject to Tze-Chiang Limited Express, Taiwan Railway.
For postdoc fellow, professors, and above: Taiwan high speed rail available.
(5) Principles of Accommodation support:
For students : NT$1200/ per person per night
For postdocs, professors, and above : NT$2,000/per person per night
2. Please book the hotel room on your own.
3. The documents required for financial support reimbursement:
(1) Outbound Transport Tickets (Please sign on it)
(2) Hotel Invoice
(Please sign on it. Please show the tax ID number of 69115908 and the title 國立成功大學 (This means NCKU), on the hotel receipt)
(3) Cover page of your Passbook that shows your account
(passbook of Post Office preferred. Pictures sent by email also acceptable)
(4) The front side and back side of your ID card
(pictures sent by email also acceptable)
*For non-citizen, or if you are with ROC nationality, please provide us a colored copy of the front and back of your ARC \ Exit & Entry Permit to Taiwan.(pictures sent by email also acceptable)
(5) Please take a photo of your inbound tickets and email it to Ms. Fu ( to complete the process.
1. Please pay for the transport and the accommondation first, and the university will remit you after the workshop.
2. Please sign on both the transport tickets and hotel invoice\receipts.
3. Please provide us the below documents at the registration desk during the workshop:
(1) Transport tickets
(2) Hotel receipts
(3) Cover page of your passbook that shows your account (pictures sent by email also acceptable)
(4) The front side and back side of your ID card, or the colored copy of your ARC\Exit & Entry Permit if you are foreiners (pictures sent by email also acceptable)
4. Please be sure to ask the hotel cashier to put the below Tax ID on the Hotel Receipt.
Title: 國立成功大學 (This means NCKU)
Tax ID number: 69115908
5. If you are granted the finance support, the amount will be remitted to your account after the workshop.
6. If you make the booking through Agoda, the hotel you stay won't be able to put the tax ID#69115908 on the receipt.
Instead, Agoda will email you a Certificate of Invoice with invoice number on it after you check-out, like this Certificate of Invoice (Agoda) ;
Please give us this document (hard copy or email) so as to receive the financial support. Thank you.
1.欲申請住宿費及交通費補助者 (博士後研究員與學生),煩請於2024/ 07/ 31 前將申請表電郵給傅小姐 (,很抱歉逾時將無法受理。
(1) 申請表下載:Download here for the application form
(2) 在截止日前提交的申請將被考慮。我們將於2024 / 08/ 07 前以電郵通知補助核准通過者。
(3) 如為博後及學生身分者:
(3-1) 須全程參與活動方能申請住宿費、交通費補助。
(3-2) 如為學生,須煩請您的指導教授於此申請表上簽名,簽名處如表格所示。
(4) 交通費、住宿費補助原則:
所屬機構除了高雄的參會者外,可申請住宿費用,須附旅館發票並開立統編 (統編號碼請見注意事項)。
學生: 以台鐵自強號票價為準。
博士後研究員、助理教授及以上: 可申報台灣高鐵。
(5) 住宿補助原則:
大學生、碩博士生: NT$1200/每人每晚
博士後研究員~教授及以上: NT$2,000/每人每晚
2. 如需住宿,請自行預訂酒店房間。
3. 請領交通費及住宿費核銷所需繳交之文件:
(1) 來程車票紙本票根,須煩請於車票上簽名。
(2) 旅館住宿發票收據,須煩請於住宿發票上簽名,並須請開立統編及抬頭: 69115908、國立成功大學
(3) 存摺封面影本 (可顯示帳號的封面頁. 郵局帳戶佳. 可用電郵傳送圖片檔)
(4) 身分證正反面影本;如為外籍人士須煩請提供在台居留證\入台證之彩色影本 (可用電郵傳送圖片檔)
(5) 回程車票,煩請拍照並電郵發送給 傅小姐 (。
1. 煩請先行付款車票及酒店住宿,獲支持車票及酒店補助者,學校會在活動結束後匯款給您。
2. 煩請在車票及住宿收據紙本上簽名。
3. 請在活動時在報到處將以下紙本文件交給我們,以供核銷之用。
(1) 來程車票
(2) 酒店住宿收據
(3) 存摺封面影本 (也可用電郵傳送圖片檔)
(4) 您的身分證正反面影本,或ARC\台灣出入境許可證的彩色影本 (也可用電郵傳送圖片檔)
4. 旅館住宿收據請開抬頭及統編如下,請依此抬頭、統編開立收據。
抬頭: 國立成功大學
統編: 69115908
5. 若您獲得補助申請,補助費將於活動之後匯款到您的帳戶。
***6. 若您通過Agoda預訂旅館,您入住的旅館無法在收據上開立統編。
相對地,Agoda 會在您退房後,以電子郵件將帶有發票編號的發票證明寄給您,例如 Certificate of Invoice (Agoda);
請將此發票證明提供給我們(紙本或電子檔均可),以獲得住宿費補助。 謝謝您。***