
Category Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Event Duration 2023-02-06 - 2023-02-06
Conference Name Plasmon, Polariton, and Quantum Electrodynamics in Physical Chemistry物理化學中的電漿子、電磁極化子與量子電動力學
Content In recent years, the influence of electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations caused by plasmons, polaritons and quantum electrodynamics on molecular properties has attracted international attention. In order to improve multidisciplinary interactions among physics, chemistry and optoelectronics, in this small workshop, we specially invite G. C. Schatz to share his cutting-edge work on nano-plasmonics and polaritons, and invite several young domestic scholars and students to share their latest work in this field, so that theoretical and experimental scientists in the field of chemistry can better understand the effect of plasmons, polarons and quantum electrodynamics on chemistry. The main benefits of this workshop are three: First, we would like to improve the idea exchange between domestic theoretical and experimental scientists in order to make breakthroughs in this new field; second, we would like to improve multidisciplinary interactions among physics, chemistry and optoelectronics, so that domestic chemists can be more familiar with theoretical techniques and experimental progress in the fields of physics and optoelectronics; third, we would like to let more young students understand the applications of nano-plasmonics, polaritonics and quantum electrodynamics in chemistry.

近年來,奈米電漿子、電磁極化子以及量子電動力學所造成的電磁真空漲落對分子性質的影響在國際上備受關注,為了促進物理、化學與光電之間跨領域的交流,我們在此次會議(小型工作坊)特地邀請到美國科學院士和費曼獎的得主G. C. Schatz分享他在奈米電漿子與電磁極化子方面前沿的工作,並請邀請國內數位年輕學者以研究生們,一同交流他們在這方面最新的工作,讓化學領域的理論與實驗科學家能夠更瞭解奈米電漿子、電磁極化子以及量子電動力學對化學的影響,本會議主要效益有三:第一,促進國內理論與實驗學家彼此的交流,以期能夠在這個新領域有所突破;第二,促進物理、化學與光電跨領域交流,讓國內的化學家能夠更熟悉物理與光電領域的理論技巧與實驗進展;第三,讓更多年輕的學生了解奈米電漿子、電磁極化子以及量子電動力學在化學上的應用。
Sign Up Duration 2023-01-02 - 2023-02-01
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Location Cosmology Hall 4F Lecture Hall