View count: 1013


Time Speaker Title
9:00-9:55 Registration
9:55-10:00 Opening
Chair: Hsuan-Yi Chen (NCU)
10:00-10:50 Jong-Bong Lee
The formation mechanism of cellular tunneling nanotubes
10:50-11:20 Coffee Break
11:20-12:05 Wei-Hsiang Lin
Biomass transfer and autocatalytic waiting time on growing reaction network
12:05-13:30 Lunch
Chair: Hong-Yan Shih (AS)
13:30-14:15 Jian-Geng Chiou
How do cells decide the number of polarity sites: What we learned from yeasts and mass-conserved reaction-diffusion systems
14:15-15:00 Min-Yeh Tsai
Molecular Harmonies: Exploring Biomolecular Complexities via Computer Simulations
15:00-15:25 Coffee Break
Chair: Chien-Jung Lo (NCU)
15:25-16:10 Yi-Fan Chen
Correlation between the In-Plane Critical Behavior and Out-of-Plane Interaction of Ternary Lipid Membranes
16:10-16:55 Cheng-Hung Chang
Unveiling the temperatures of active matter through the efficiencies of active heat engines
16:55-17:30 Free discussion & Closing