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Day 1: Aug. 26
Time Speaker Talk Title
09:00~09:30 Registration
Chair : Ching-Kai Chiu, Yang-Hao Chan (Workshop Co-Chairs)
09:30~09:40 Prof. Guang-Yu Guo Directors’ opening remark
Chair : Ching-Kai Chiu
09:40~10:30 Plenary Talk: Vic Kam Tuen Law Quantum Metric Length in Flat Band Superconductors 
10:30-11:00 Photo and Coffee Break
Chair : Pei-Ming Ho 
11:00~11:30 Christy Kelly Baby Universes and Branching Singularities in Euclidean Quantum Gravity
11:30~12:00 Ken Kikuchi Proving spontaneous symmetry breaking
12:00-14:00 Lunch (Registered Participant Only)
Chair : Po-Yao Chang 
14:00~14:30 Chang-Tse Hsieh Generalized Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem for 1d quantum magnets
14:30~15:00 Steffen Backes
Symmetry properties of the Coulomb interaction tensor and their implications in correlated electron systems
15:00~15:30 Yung-Yeh Chang A mechanism for the strange metal phase in rare-earth intermetallic compounds
15:30~16:00 Coffee Break
Chair : Che-Yu Chen 
16:00~16:30 Yuki Yokokura Black Hole from Entropy Maximization
16:30~17:00 Amaury Micheli Simulating a preheating scenario in the lab?
17:00~18:00 Free Discussion
18:00~ Dinner (Invited Only)
Day 2: Aug. 27
Time Speaker Talk Title
Chair : Satoshi Iso
09:30~10:00 Chong-Sun Chu A proposal for quantum gravity and quantum mechanics of black hole
10:00~10:30 Puttarak Jai-akson Corner Symmetries and Quasi-Local Holography
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
Chair : Chang-Tse Hsieh
11:00~11:30 Yu-tin Huang Quantum Gravity constraints on global symmetries
11:30~12:00 Po-Hao Chou Curvature induced effects in the surface states of topological insulators
12:00-14:00 Lunch (Registered Participant Only)
Chair : Chen-Hsuan Hsu 
14:00~14:30 Guang-Yu Guo Quantum geometry and nonlinear electromagnetic responses of solids
14:30~15:00 Tomoki Ozawa Quantum metric and topology
15:00~15:30 Ching-Kai Chiu Exploring Topological States with superconductivity or with twists
15:30~18:00 Coffee Break and Free Discussion
18:00~ Banquet (Registered Participant Only)
Day 3: Aug. 28
Time Speaker Talk Title
Chair : Guang-Yu Guo
09:30~10:00 Seishiro Ono Fermi-surface diagnosis for topological superconductivity
10:00~10:30 Tay-Rong Chang Feature-energy duality of topological boundary states in multilayer quantum spin Hall insulator
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
Chair : Yuki Yokokura
11:00~11:30 Osamu Fukushima Higher-form symmetry and eigenstate thermalization hypothesis
11:30~12:00 Himanshu Parihar Massless Lifshitz Field Theory for Arbitrary z
12:30-15:00 Lunch (Registered Participant Only) and Free Discussion
Day 4: Aug. 29
Time Speaker Talk Title
Chair : Yu-tin Huang
09:30~10:00 Okuto Morikawa Lattice implementation of generalized symmetry and ’t Hooft anomaly
10:00~10:30 Yuto Moriwaki Algebraic structure of space-time geometry and operator product expansion
10:30~11:00 Coffee Break
Chair : Yang-Hao Chan
11:00 ~ 11:30 Yuta Sekino Tunneling spin and heat transport in ultracold atomic systems
11:30~12:00 Chen-Hsuan Hsu Topological superconductivity in proximitized double helical liquids
12:00~12:10 Dr. Satoshi Iso Closing remark
12:10-15:00 Lunch (Registered Participant Only) and Free Discussion