Category | Interdisciplinary Research |
Event Duration | 2025-01-13 - 2025-01-13 |
Conference Name | 2025 NCTS Frontiers of Complex Systems Winter School |
Content | The NCTS Frontiers of Complex Systems Winter School is an annual forum for introducing the frontiers in complex systems research featuring many current hot topics. It will be held at National Sun Yat-sen University in KaoHsiung on Jan. 13 (Monday), 2025, which is also a satellite meeting of the annual Taiwan Physical Society Meeting 2025. As usual, we plan to have 6~7 PI speakers (each about 40 minutes), on their research topics. The participants include PIs and students in relevant fields across Taiwan. This year we have three overseas invited speakers: Prof. Yi-long Han from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Prof. Daisuke Sato from UC Davis and Prof. Tuan Tran from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The topics range from soft matters, statistical, and nonlinear physics to bio-related research. Besides lectures, there will also be discussion sessions for the attendants to exchange ideas and further discuss issues related to the lectures. Sponsors: NCTS Physics Division National Sun-Yat-sen University Physics Dept. National Central University |
Sign Up Duration | 2024-11-22 - 2024-12-31 |
Sign Up | Sign Up Overdue |
Location | Amphitheater classroom and Hall, Building of International Research (國研大樓階梯教室及大廳), NSYSU, KaoHsiung |