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Financial Support
Limited financial support is available. Deadline for financial support application: May. 18, 2023.• Accommodation expenses
- Students attending 2023 Summer School on First Principles Computational Materials Research - Introductory Level Level (Jun.26th-27th, 2023) whose affiliation is in Southern or Eastern Taiwan and would like to apply the financial support for your accommodation expenses for one night of Jun. 25th or Jun. 26th.
- We support the accommodation expenses, with an upper limit of NTD 1200 per person per night. (Postdoc with an upper limit of NTD 2000 per person per night.)
Only bus/Taiwan Railways train tickets are allowed to be reimbursed.
• The documents required for financial support
- bus/Taiwan Railways train ticket
- hotel receipt [The hotel receipt provided should state the title of 國立清華大學; tax ID number: 46804804.]
If you have any question about the accommodation, please contact with Renee [email: / 03-5742256]