Category Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Event Duration 2023-08-31 - 2023-09-01
Conference Name 2023 NCTS summer school on non-Hermitian and non-equilbrium quantum many-body systems
Due to the sound issue caused today,we decided to change our venue to SC160, still science building III.
See you 9/1 morning.

Professor Takashi Oka:
lecture slides:


Professor Ken Shiozaki:

   and Mathematica notebook:


Non-Hermitian quantum physics and the dynamics of non-equilibrium systems exhibit distinct characteristics that set them apart from ordinary equilibrium quantum systems. They give rise to several surprising phenomena that have no counterparts in equilibrium settings. This summer school aims to introduce new concepts related to non-Hermitian and non-equilibrium quantum systems. Four experts will deliver pedagogical lectures covering topics such as the mathematical structures underlying non-Hermitian quantum systems, the classification of non-Hermitian quantum systems, the topological aspects of non-Hermitian physics, and the dynamics of many-body quantum systems.

Date:8/31-9/1, 2023(2 days)
Time: 9AM -17PM  (Taiwan time),UTC/GMT+8       


Carl M. Bender (Washington University,USA)
Takashi Oka (The University of Tokyo,Japan)
Ken Shiozaki (Kyoto University,Japan)
Nobuyuki Okuma (Kyushu Institute of Technology,Japan)

Chung-Hou Chung (NYCU)

Chien-Te Wu (NYCU)
Stefan Kirchner (NYCU)
Po-Yao Chang (NTHU) 
Chang-Tse Hsieh (NTU)
Shin-Ming Huang (NSYSU)
Jhih-Shih You (NTNU)

Meeting link:

(hosted by )  
Please mute your microphone and turn off your webcam when you first enter the meeting room.
 We will have Q&A sessions after each talk. You can either raise your hand ( button) or type your question in the chat box.

* 報名截止日期 : 2023/08/20。*

*** 本次會議同步使用視訊會議,視訊會議連結僅提供有報名之與會者。***

* Registration deadline : 2023/08/20 *
*** The workshop will be simultaneously webcast, with link information provided for registered participants ***

Contact Information:
Jenny Tsai/ 03-571-2121#56228 /

Sign Up Duration 2023-06-17 - 2023-08-20
Sign Up Sign Up Overdue
Location Room 106, Science building #3, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (陽明交大科學三館)/ Online (Hybrid)
