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Poster Presentations

No. Name Title of Poster
1 Hyungmin An Investigating Surface Reaction Mechanisms in Atomic Layer Deposition using Single-Ended Saddle Point Search Algorithm
2 Kunchala Ramesh Babu Electron-Phonon Coupling and Superconductivity in NbN Polytypes
3 Sreeparvathy
Puthiya Covilakam
Topological Phonons in KMgBO3
4 Yi-Shiuan Huang Large shift current generated via in-gap and charge-neutral exciton excitations in BN nanotubes and single BN layer
5 Yeongrok Jin The Study of Phonon Dispersion in Defective Ferroelectric HfO2
6 Johan Jönsson Electronic properties of rare earth surfaces
7 Suyeon Ju Ionic Conductivity Prediction of Solid-State Electrolyte Materials via
Neural Network Potential
8 Sungmo Kang Field-controlled quantum anomalous Hall effect in electron-doped CrSiTe3 monolayer
9 Do Hoon Kiem NC-JX: Magnetic force linear response theory for relativistic spin exchange interactions
10 Seongmun Kim Infrared and Raman spectroscopy of Hafnia Polymorphs
11 Purun-hanul Kim Neural Network Potential for Simulating Alkaline Wet Etching of GaN Sidewall Surfaces
12 Hyeong Jun Lee Development of the Jx-DMFT code for magnetic exchange interactions combined with strong correlation effects
13 Chulwan Lee Phonon and Superconductivity in Lacunar Spinel GaTa4Se8 under F-43m Structure
14 Dong Hyun Lee Dual nature of 3d electrons and self-doped double-exchange in ferromagnetic 1T-CrTe2 : Dynamical mean-field study
15 Hyunggeun Lee Prediction of dual topological insulating phase in NaZnBi
16 Aniceto B. Maghirang III Interplay between anisotropic spin texture and large gap topological insulating phases in functionalized MXenes
17 Babu Baijnath Prasad Helicity-tunable spin Hall and spin Nernst effects in multifold chiral fermion semimetals XY (X=Co, Rh; Y=Si, Ge)
18 Winda Purwitasari High thermoelectric performance in 2D technetium ichalcogenides TcX 2 (X = S, Se, or Te)
19 Sangjun Sim First-principles analysis of Van Hove singularities in superconducting kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, and Cs)
20 Susaiammal Arokiasamy Prediction of quantum spin Hall and Rashba effects in two-dimensional perovskite oxides
21 Sonai Seenithurai Electronic Properties of carbon nanostructures by TAO-DFT
22 Ina Marie R. Verzola Prediction of van Hove singularities, excellent thermoelectric performance, and non-trivial topology in monolayer rhenium dichalcogenides
23 Rovi Angelo Beloya Villaos Topological insulating phase and van Hove singularities in Zintl single-quintuple-layer (1-QL) AM2X2 (A = Ca, Sr, or Ba; M = Zn or Cd; X = Sb or Bi) family
24 Kunihiro Yananose Activating magnetoelectric optical properties by twisting antiferromagnetic bilayers
25 Wooil Yang Density functional theory with spin-orbit coupling and extended Hubbard interaction

(Listed in alphabetical order of surnames)