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Friday, November 18, 2022
Chair: Jiunn-Wei Chen (Deputy Director, NTU)
9:30 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 10:30
Guang-Yu Guo (Division Director, NTU)
Opening remarks + Director’s Report
10:30 – 10:40
VIP remarks 長官致詞
Deputy Minister Lin林副主委 ( NSTC國科會)
1 10:40 – 11:05
Hsi-Sheng Goan (TG1.1 Coordinator, NTU)
TG1.1 Report
2 11:05 – 11:25
Yuan-Chung Cheng (TG1.1 CS, NTU)
Quantum Computing for Molecular Properties and Dynamics: Applications and Perspectives
3 11:25 – 11:50
Wen-Te Liao (TG1.2 CS, NCU)
TG1.2 Report
11:50 – 12:00 Group Photo 大合照
12:00 – 13:30 Lunch + Poster Session (4F Lecture Hall + 3F Seminar Room)
Chair: You-Hua Chu (Executive Committee Member, Academia Sinica)
1 13:30 – 13:50
Hsiang-Hua Jen (TG1.2 core member, AS)
A non-Hermitian optical atomic mirror
2 13:50 – 14:15
Yeong-Cherng Liang (TG1.3 coordinator, NCKU)
TG1.3 Report
3 14:15 – 14:35
Hong-Bin Chen (TG1.3 core member, NCKU)
Precession-induced nonclassicality of the free induction decay of NV centers by a dynamical polarized nuclear spin bath
4 14:35 – 15:00
Feng-Chuan Chuang (TG3.1 coordinator, NSYSU)
TG3.1 Report
5 15:00 – 15:20
Yang-Hao Chan (TG3.1 CS, AS)
Exciton dynamics in quasi-2D materials
6 15:20 – 15:45
Min-Kai Lin (TG2.3 coordinator, AS)
TG2.3 Report
7 15:45 – 16:05
Hsi-Yu Schive (TG2.3 CS, NTU)
Cutting-edge astrophysical simulations
16:05 – 17:30 Coffee + Poster Session
18:30 – 20:00 Banquet 水源會館 (By invitation only )
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Chair: Chon-Saar Chu (Executive Committee Member, NYCU)
1 9:30 – 9:55
Cheng-Wei Chiang (TG2.1, coordinator, NTU)
TG2.1 Report
2 9:55 – 10:15
Chuan-Hung Chen (TG2.1 CS, NCKU)
Search for new physics from flavor-changing neutral currents
3 10:15 – 10:40
Jeng-Da Chai (TG4.2 coordinator, NTU)
TG4.2 Report
4 10:40 – 11:00
Chao-Ping Hsu (TG4.2 CS, AS)
Theoretician with biological problems: Noise reduction and cell division
5 11:00 – 11:25
Chung-Hou Chung (TG3.2 coordinator, NYCU)
TG3.2 Report
6 11:25 – 11:45
Chien-Te Wu (TG3.2 CS, NYCU)
Topological phase transitions of Dirac magnons in honeycomb ferromagnets
11:45 – 14:00 Buffet Lunch 7F Grand Lobby (By invitation only)
Chair: Guang-Yu Guo (Division Director, NTU)
1 14:00 – 14:25
Pochung Chen (TG4.1 coordinator, NTHU)
TG4.1 Report
2 14:25 – 14:45
Yu-Cheng Lin (TG4.1 CS, NCCU)
Random singlets and permutation symmetry in disordered spin-S chains
3 14:45 – 15:10
Yu-tin Huang (TG2.2 coordinator, NTU)
TG2.2 Report
4 15:10 – 15:20
Dimitrios Giataganas (TG2.2 core member, NSYSU)
Holography in Strongly Interacting Matter
5 15:20 – 15:45
Hsuan-Yi Chen (TG4.3 coordinator, NCU)
TG4.3 report
6 15:45 – 16:05
Lee Wei Yang (TG4.3 core member, NTHU)
Drug Discovery Driven by Linear Response Theories, Molecular Mechanics and Bioinformatics
16:05 – 17:00 Coffee + Poster Session
17:00 Closing

Poster session: TG coordinators (4F West Corridor)
Prof. Hsi-Sheng Goan (TG1.1, NTU)
TG1.1: Quantum Computing and Interdisciplinary Applications
Prof. Wen-Te Liao (TG1.2, NCU) (Substitute for Prof. Ray-Kuang Lee )
TG1.2: Quantum physics and engineering
Prof. Yeong-Cherng Liang (TG1.3, NCKU)
TG1.3: Quantum Information and Communication
Prof. Cheng-Wei Chiang (TG2.1, NTU)
TG2.1: High energy phenomenology
Prof. Yu-tin Huang (TG2.2, NTU)
TG2.2: High energy theory
Prof. Min-Kai Lin (TG2.3, AS)
TG2.3: Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics
Prof. Feng-Chuan Chuang (TG3.1, NSYSU)
TG3.1: Computational quantum materials
Prof. Chung-Hou Chung (TG3.2, NYCU)
TG3.2: Strongly correlated condensed matter and cold atom systems
Prof. Pochung Chen (TG4.1, NTHU)
TG4.1: High-performance computation and machine learning
Prof. Jeng-Da Chai (TG4.2, NTU)
TG4.2: Nanoscale Physics and Chemistry
Prof. Hsuan-Yi Chen (TG4.3, NCU)
TG4.3: Complex systems
Poster session: Center Scientists + Core members (R429)
Dr. Yang-Hao Chan (TG3.1, AS)
Excited state calculations from first-principles
Prof. Cheng-Hung Chang (TG4.3, NYCU)
Thermal physics beyond a unique definition of temperature
Prof. Tay-Rong Chang (TG3.1, NCKU)
Electronic structures of topological materials
Prof. Shin-Liang Chen (TG1.3, NCHU)
Complete classification of steerability under local filters
Prof. Cheng-Wei Chiang (TG2.1, NTU)
Various Particle Phenomenology Studies
Prof. Chong-Sun Chu (TG2.2, NTHU)
Novel Casimir Current from Vacuum Quantum Fluctuations
Dr. Liang-Yan Hsu (TG4.2, AS)
Applications of Macroscopic Quantum Electrodynamics in Chemistry
Dr. Hsiang-Hua Jen (TG1.2, AS) + Prof. Jhih-Shih You (TG3.2, NTNU)
A non-Hermitian optical atomic mirror
Prof. Horng-Tay Jeng (TG3.1, NTHU)
NCTS Thematic Group 3.1 Quantum Computational Materials
Prof. Yueh-Ning Lee (TG2.3, NTNU)
Numerical and physics challenges in protoplanetary disk formation
Prof. Ray-Kuang Lee (TG1.2, NTHU)
NCTS Thematic Group 1.2 : Quantum physics and engineering
Prof. C.-J. David Lin (TG2.1, NYCU)
Lattice field theory group activities at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Prof. Cheng-Pang Liu (TG2.1, NDHU)
Direct Searches of Light Dark Matter
Prof. Daw-Wei Wang (TG3.2, NTHU)
Exploring Quantum Many-Body Problems by Neural Networks with Self-Supervised Learning
Prof. Chien-Te Wu (TG3.2, CYCU)
Topological phase transitions of Dirac magnons in honeycomb ferromagnets
Prof. Wei-Min Zhang (TG1.3, NCKU)
Nonperturbative renormalization of quantum thermodynamics from weak to strong couplings
Poster session: Postdocs (3F North and East Corridor )
Dr. Sourav Ballav (TG2.2 Postdoc, NTU)
Scattering Amplitudes from Covariant Recursion
Dr. Hugues Beauchesne (TG2.1 Postdoc, NTU)
Is the decay of the Higgs boson to a photon and a dark photon currently observable at the LHC?
Dr. Yao-Wen Chang (TG4.2 Postdoc, NTU)
Quantum anomalous Hall effect in AB-stacked MoTe2/WSe2 moire heterobilayers
Dr. Yung-Yeh Chang (TG3.2 Postdoc, NYCU)
A mechanism for the strange metal phase in rare-earth intermetallic compounds
Dr. Wei-Chih Chen (TG4.2 Postdoc, NTU)
Computational Studies of Palladium Catalysts Based on the Secondary Phosphine Oxide Ligands in Various Cross-Coupling Reactions
Dr. Po-Hau Chou (TG3.2 Postdoc, CYCU)
Quantum oscillations of Kondo screening phases in strong magnetic fields
Dr. You-Lin Chuang (TG1.2 Postdoc, NTHU)
Optical-density enhanced quantum entanglement via four-wave mixing process
Dr. Jozef Genzor (TG4.1 Postdoc, NTU)
Critical exponents on fractal-lattice Ising model by HOTRG
Dr. Amrita Ghosh (TG4.1 Postdoc, NTU)
Determination of bosonic topological phase transitions on honeycomb lattice via deep learning using correlation functions
Dr. He-Feng Hsieh (TG3.2 Postdoc, NTU)
Gravitational Waves from Rotating Core-Collapse Supernovae
Dr. Yen-Hsun Lin (TG2.1 Postdoc, NTU)
Search for Afterglow: Light Dark Matter Boosted by Supernova Neutrinos
Dr. Shiladitya Mal (TG1.3 Postdoc, NCKU)
Device-independent entanglement quantification in the presence of losses
Dr. Alvina On (TG2.3 Postdoc)
Seeing and measuring cosmic magnetic fields
Dr. Mugdha Sarkar (TG2.1 Postdoc, NTU)
SU(2) gauge theories with multiple Higgs fields in different representations on the lattice
Dr. Shiue-Yuan Shiau (TG1.2 Postdoc, NTHU)
From hybrid polariton to dipolariton using non-Hermitian Hamiltonians to handle particle lifetimes
Dr. Gelo Noel Tabia (TG1.3 Postdoc, NCKU)
Bell violations from random mutually unbiased bases
Dr. Renata Wong (TG1.1 Postdoc, NTU)
Quantum computing for biomedicine, and bio-inspired quantum algorithms
Dr. Chia-Chou Wu (TG4.3 Postdoc NTU)
Single-cell p53-Mdm2 dynamics reveal cell cycle-specific regulation of the p53 oscillator
Dr. Yasuhiro Yamamoto (TG2.1 Postdoc, NTU)
New force search with precision isotope shift