Category Interdisciplinary Research
Event Duration 2022-02-10 - 2022-02-11
Conference Name NCTS 2022 Frontiers of Complex Systems Winter School
Content The NCTS Frontiers of Complex Systems Winter School is an annual forum for introducing the frontiers in complex systems research. This year the Winter School will focus on current hot topics related to computer simulations and data sciences in research topics ranging from biomolecules to biological networks.

Experts in these fields will give turorial lectures and research talks which  provide fundamentals and up-to-date advances to facilitate discussions between participants. All participants will have the opportunity to present their work in posters and lightning talks.

Hands-on tutorials will be arranged in the afternoon Feb 10th for those who are interested to attend (max. 35 students).  These tutorials will give the participants some basic experience of applying machine learning to numerical simulations in bio-macromolecules.

The participants can attend the meeting in person or online. Information of online access will be sent to the registered participants prior to the meeting.
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Location Lecture Room A, 4F, The 3rd General Building, NTHU, Hsinchu
