Category Quantum computing and interdisciplinary applications
Event Duration 2012-08-05 - 2012-08-09
Conference Name Dynamic Days Asia Pacific (DDAP) 7 --- The 7th International Conference on Nonlinear Science
Content Dynamic Days Asia Pacific (DDAP) is a regular series of international conferences rotating among Asia-Pacific countries every two years in recent years. Its purpose is to bring together researchers world-wide to discuss the most recent developments in nonlinear science. It also serves as a forum to promote regional as well as international scientific exchange and collaboration. The conference covers a variety of topics in nonlinear physics, biological physics, nonequilibrium physics, complex networks, econophysics, and quantum/classical chaos, etc. DDAP1 started in 1999 in Hong Kong, then continued in Hangzhou (DDAP2, 2002), Singapore (DDAP3, 2004), Pohang (DDAP4, 2006), Nara (DDAP5, 2008) and Sydney (DDAP6, 2010). DDAP7 will take place at Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan on 5-9 August 2012. Plans for the 8th to the 9th DDAP are scheduled for India (2014) and Hong Kong (2016).
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Location Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan
File DDAP7-120217SA.pdf
