Category Interdisciplinary Research
Event Duration 2024-11-08 - 2024-11-09
Conference Name 2024 Workshop on Applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Physics and Chemistry Problems
Content The 2024 Workshop on Applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Physics and Chemistry Problems brings together researchers and experts to discuss using machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to solve problems in physics and chemistry.

As ML and AI continue advancing rapidly, this workshop allows sharing the newest methods, practical applications, and progress in tackling complex challenges in these scientific fields. Prominent experts will give keynote talks on topics like molecular modeling, materials science, computational chemistry, and particle physics.

This workshop allows participants to share their research findings, engage in discussions, and exchange ideas with peers. By connecting leading researchers, the event aims to inspire innovation, identify emerging trends, and push forward the intersection of ML, AI, physics, and chemistry.
Sign Up Duration 2024-06-24 - 2024-10-06
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Location Cosmology Hall 4F Lecture Hall
