Category Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Event Duration 2024-08-05 - 2024-08-08
Conference Name 2024 Strongly correlated physics – Numerical and Analytical approaches

Many-body physics must be considered when a quantum system's interaction and entanglement are strong. In recent decades, many methods, analytical and numerical, have been developed to solve many-body problems. 
This summer school will combine the strengths of two research teams focusing on strongly correlated systems, both in numerical and analytical approaches, and will invite experimentalists to introduce related topics. We anticipate that this conference will present different approaches to the study of strongly correlated systems from these three perspectives, invigorate communication among the three research communities, reduce barriers to knowledge exchange, and foster collaborative learning. This will lay the groundwork for collaborative efforts to address key issues in the field. We will invite researchers from both domestic and international institutions to present on the following four major topics:
  1. Dynamical mean-field theory and Numerical renormalization group
  2. Field theory and quantum renormalization group
  3. Tensor network
  4. Experiments
Additionally, we will design suitable hands-on learning tutorials to develop the practical skills of young researchers.

* 報名截止日期 : 2024/07/29。
* Registration deadline: 2024/07/29

Contact person:
Renee Ho / 03-5742256 /
Jenny Tsai/ 03-571-2121#56228 /

You are so welcome to this conference.
Sign Up Duration 2024-06-09 - 2024-07-29
Sign Up Sign Up Overdue
Location Rm. SC158, 1F, Science Building III, NYCU. (國立陽明交通大學科學三館1F, SC158)
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