Unification of entanglement criteria and Bose-Einstein Condeusates

  • Event Date: 2019-05-14
  • Speaker: Mehmet Emre Tasgin (Hacettepe Universitesi, Nukleer Bilimler Enstitusu)  /  Host: Prof. Ray-Kuang Lee (NTHU)
    Place: Lecture room A of NCTS, 4F, 3rd General Building, Nat'l Tsing Hua Univ.

I show that (i) two-mode entanglement, (ii) many-particle entanglement and (iii) single-mode nonclassicality criteria are intimately connected to each other. For instance, quadrature squeezing (a single-mode nonclassicality) criterion can be obtained from the spin-squeezing (a many-particle entanglement) criterion. Next, I show that one can obtain a new many-particle entanglement criterion from the photon number-squeezing (Mandel’s Q parameter, or sub-Poissonian) single-mode criterion. I show that this criterion can witness entanglement in states, where spin-squeezing and other criteria fail. 

‧It can witness the onset of many-particle entanglement in some phase transitions.
‧It can predict the onset of coherence in a condensate, induced by collisions, as observed in the experiments.
‧It can distinguish between different subradiant states in single-photon superradiance. 
‧It can detect entanglement of many emitters induced by a single-plasmon source.
At the end of the talk, I will also mention very briefly about quantification for multi-mode entanglement [2], entanglement of two BEC components [3] and symmetry breaking rotatory-superradiance in BECs [4], and a new strong entanglement criterion for number-like states [5].
[1] M. E. Tasgin, Many-particle entanglement criterion for superradiant-like states, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 033601 (2017).  arXiv:1610.06883
[2] M. E. Tasgin and M.S. Zubairy, Quantifications for multi-mode entanglement, arXiv:1905.01740
[3] M. Gunay, O.E. Mustecaplioglu and M.E. Tasgin, Entanglement of two interacting ensembles via a Dicke-like quantum phase transition, arXiv:1904.12668
[4] Priyam Das, Mehmet Emre Tasgin and Ozgur E. Mustecaplioglu, Collectively induced many-vortices topology via rotatory Dicke quantum phase transition, New J. Phys. 18, 093022 (2016).  arXiv:1601.06413
[5] M.E. Tasgin, Anatomy of entanglement and nonclassicality criteria, arXiv:1901.04045